Keeping care accessible

Insurance & Financing

Learn about our insurance approach, special offers, membership plan, and more.

We're Insurance Friendly

We gladly accept most PPO insurance plans so that you can access quality dental care regardless of your provider. Our team is right by your side to simplify the process — we'll file claims and guide you through your benefits to maximize your coverage. With us, your dental journey can be seamless and stress-free.

Your Insurance Questions, Answered

Confused about insurance? You're not alone! We're here to provide answers so you can feel confident about your care.

How does dental insurance work compared to medical insurance?

Dental insurance is specifically designed to cover part of the costs associated with preventive care, such as a regular cleaning and check-ups, along with a portion of the costs for more extensive procedures like fillings, root canals, and crowns. Unlike medical insurance, which often covers a broad range of health issues after a deductible is met, dental plans typically have a maximum coverage limit per year and may only cover certain types of treatments.

What is an annual maximum in dental insurance?

The annual maximum is the total amount your dental insurance plan will pay for your dental care in one year. Once you reach this limit, any additional costs will be out-of-pocket. Our team will help you understand your annual maximum so you can plan your treatments accordingly and maximize your benefits.

What does the patient portion mean?

The patient portion, or out-of-pocket cost, refers to the amount of money you are responsible for paying after your insurance has contributed its share. This includes deductibles, copayments, and any costs over your annual maximum or for procedures not covered by your insurance.

What does dental insurance typically cover?

Dental insurance plans typically categorize procedures into three main groups: preventive, basic, and major. Preventive care (like regular cleanings and exams) is often covered at 100%, basic procedures (such as fillings and root canals) at 70-80%, and major services (including bridges and crowns) at 50%. Insurance coverage can vary widely, so it’s important to understand what your specific plan covers. If you're unsure of your coverage, we're more than happy to help you understand what your specific insurance entails.

What does it mean when insurance covers a procedure?

When your insurance covers a procedure, it means they will pay a portion of the cost according to the terms of your policy. However, coverage doesn't always mean the full cost is paid; it depends on your plan's coverage levels for different types of treatments and whether the procedure is considered necessary. It's important to verify with your insurance provider about what is covered and what your financial responsibility will be before receiving treatment.

Still have questions?

Contact our team for more information.

Flexible financing

Pay As you Go

We offer flexible payment plans to make dental care affordable for everyone.

Save on your first visit

New Patient Special

Looking for a new dental home? We've got you covered with our new patient special. Get all the preventive care you need, plus a goodie bag filled with a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and more!

Get to know Dr. Sierra

Enjoy a thorough oral health exam

Receive digital X-rays

No insurance, no problem

Become an Emerald Member

Set your smile up for lifelong wellness.

Questions? Give Us A Call

Adult Plan
Two hygiene appointments including prophylaxis cleanings, necessary X-rays, fluoride, and exam
One comprehensive oral exam
All X-rays needed to complete comprehensive exam
Oral hygiene instructions and nutritional counseling
One emergency exam
Includes over $1,100 in value
Discount on future services

Let's Get You Scheduled

We can't wait to give you the dental experience you deserve.